Here are just a few reasons WHY to choose CiSL as your insurance broker!
Benefits of using Commercial Insurance Services Ltd Whatever type of insurance you’re looking for, arranging your cover through an independent insurance broker – rather than a do-it-yourself price comparison site – is your best bet when it comes to finding the right level of cover at the right price. On the face of it, price comparison […]
Is your unoccupied property safe and secure? We insure for both commercial and privately let properties.
One of the most visible signs of a recession is the number of unoccupied premises, both on the high street and in our neighbourhoods. The likelihood of damage or injury arising from empty buildings is high, even if they are only vacant temporarily, such as prior to their sale or refurbishment, and it is the responsibility […]
Here at CiSL we take great pride in assisting our customers from point of renewal right up until resolution of a claim. For more information on what we offer visit: or call one of our Brokers today on 01737 377250
Worried about flooding? Here’s our guide to staying afloat
Are your most valuable belongings correctly insured? Flooding and adverse weather have affected much of the UK in recent years, submerging homes and devastating towns and villages along the way. Although weather warnings give a heads-up when heavy rainfall is expected, they cannot prepare you for the aftermath. If you are hit by flooding and […]