In the current conditions, in many areas, there can be an increased risk of flooding. We would encourage our customers to assess their flood risks now and devise plans for action making sure they are prepared in the event of an emergency.
Preparing for Floods Good sources for flood planning information are the Environment Agency (EA) or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) websites. You’ll find help to determine if you or your business is at risk of flooding, formulate a flood plan, prepare for flooding and know what to do if a flood does occur. You can also sign up for free flood warnings.
Flood Forecasting, Warnings and Alerts Both EA and SEPA work with local authorities to provide advice and information to the public before and during flood emergencies and can be contacted 24 hours a day via a dedicated Floodline number – 0845 988 1188. For coastal and riverside areas with a high risk of flooding, these agencies will be able to tell you whether more localised flood warning information is available via dedicated telephone numbers (e.g. quick dial codes).
The symbols and messages used in EA and SEPA flood warnings have recently been changed to make them easier to understand and to give clearer guidance about what action people need to take. Click here to learn more about specific Flood Warning Messages.
Automatic Weather Alerts To be kept further informed of both potential and severe weather and possible flooding, you may wish to sign up for automatic alerts available from:
We hope you find this information helpful. Please feel free to share it with your customers or friends now so that they are prepared and can take all reasonable precautions possible to minismise disruption and stay safe in the event of a flood.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your current insurance and whether it provides cover for flood, please contact Commercial Insurance Services on 01737 373222
Be prepared and stay safe.
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